How to create an International Shipment (Aggregator model)

Created by Rania Halaseh, Modified on Wed, 24 May 2023 at 05:20 PM by Mamoon Aleswed

his article explains how you can create international shipments using OTO rates and all related information


Please read the terms and conditions BEFORE creating a shipment. 

To create an international shipment, follow the following steps. 

Step 1 - Go to the "Shipments" page.

Step 2 - Select the order you want to ship

Step 3 - Hover over "Create Shipment" then select "With OTO Rates International"

Step 4 - Select the "Package Count" (Number of boxes) , the Box or Dimensions and the Weight. Select "Check Price" when you confirm all the previous information. 

This will show the avaialble shipping companies for that order with all the relevant informaiton including the price and average delivery time. 

Step 5 - Click on "Create Shipment" 

Please read the terms and conditions BEFORE creating a shipment. 

Step 6 - Click on "Awaiting Pickup" 

Step 7 - Select the shipment you just created then hover over "Print" then select
"Print Internaitonal Proforma". Please make sure to fill in the correct information in the Proforma to avoid facing issues with the customs in the end-customers country. To learn more about the International Proforma, please click here

This will open a sheet ready to be printed, that needs to be attached to the shipment along with the air way bill. 

Instructions are detailed in the video through the link below:

If you have any questions regarding this entire process, please feel free to ask us in the integrated chat system.

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