How to set coverage for shipping companies

Created by Rania Halaseh, Modified on Wed, 24 May 2023 at 04:12 PM by Mamoon Aleswed

Setup the custom coverage for your shipping partners to manage easily orders regionally between multiple shipping partners

Follow the steps below to set the city coverage for a delivery company.

Step 1: 

Login to your account and click on "Connect a shipping partner"

Step 2:

Search for the delivery company you want to set coverage or simply scroll down to find it. Click the settings icon under the company logo to arrange the city coverage.

Step 3:

In the pop-up window select the cities that the company covers. Then cllick the arrow button. Or simply drag and drop the cities in the field on the left one by one. You can filter by country and use Add all button to add all the cities filtered. 

You can limit the number of orders sent to this delivery company per city in the sub menu simply by selecting a city and setting a maximum delivery number. 

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