Unable to create a shipment for a selected order

Created by Rania Halaseh, Modified on Wed, 24 May 2023 at 05:16 PM by Mamoon Aleswed

If you are not able to create a shipment for an order it may be due to several reasons as listed below. 

1- If you receive an error in this way: "Can not Assign Delivery Company: Either City is not covered or Reached Order Limit in City"

This problem causes due to the set coverage of your shipping partner. 

This is defined as per the destination city of your orders. You can either check and change the destination city of your order or you can add this city to your shipping partner coverage.

2- Your account is out of credit. If you receive of credit error you should make sure you top up your account in OTO to continue shipping.

3-  City spelling is wrong in your order. 

OTO normally automatically identifies different city spellings of cities. As an example city of Madinah in KSA can be seen in different versions like Medina, Madina, Madinah, Al Madinah. All these examples are handled by OTO automatically. However, in case the destination city spelling is completely wrong such as Medana or Madanah that can not be recognized by OTO. In this case, you can edit the address of your order on the shipments page and change the city spelling to be able to send the order without any issues.

4- Another error that the selected shipping company gives.

In rare cases due to some information in the order or due to shipping partner systems, OTO can give some errors while creating the shipment. In such cases, it is recommended to start a live chat from the dashboard or send an email to support@tryoto.com and report your issue with your order number and the shipping company you are trying to create a shipment with. Our support team will solve your problem asap.

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